
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Cross Talk: Season Four, Episode Three
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
"On Ways of Listening: H-D Radio" from January 31, 2020. HD -- High Definition Radio -- is one way AM radio in North American cities might reach listeners who cannot receive AM signals well depending on buildings and topography. Not all broadcasters have added HD service to their FM carriers; and some who have...almost never tell listeners about it. It's still virtually impossible to find a radio with HD capability in a store in Toronto. Is HD worth the trouble and expense for a listener? Listen: hear how news/talk radio sounds on AM compared with HD; and how one AM music station sounds on AM, on FM and on HD. Makes fair dealing use of bits of audio from Newstalk 1010 CFRB Toronto and CFMZ AM740 Toronto. For educational purposes. For a taste of what sports play-by-play sounds like in high-definition, please check Season 2, Episode 12.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Cross Talk: Season Four, Episode Two
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
On Talk Radio - on the morning after the start of the impeachment trial. From January 23, 2020. On the morning after the impeachment trial begins in the U-S Senate, morning talk radio hosts are hard at work discrediting the process, dismissing the issues, and boosting Donald Trump. The stations they're on will spend a lot more time on letting them talk...than on reporting the news. A sample of some of what's happening; a preview of an episode to come later this season, looking at some of the more extreme hosts in right-wing talk radio. For educational purposes. Students of radio, broadcasting, mass communication, journalism, public relations should be aware of what talk radio is doing. Makes fair dealing use of bits of audio from Hugh Hewitt show; Bernie and Sid; Brian Kilmeade Podcast; Sandy Beach; Rush Limbaugh; WDTK Detroit; WABC New York; WBEN Buffalo; WHAM Rochester; KWFS Wichita Falls Texas; KPNS Duncan Oklahoma.

Friday Jan 17, 2020
Cross Talk: Season Four, Episode 1
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
On how we communicate in the 20s: 1920/2020. From January 17, 2020. In 1920 your radio and your telephone gave you access to the world; in 2020, one device that does everything gives you the world on demand, including radio. Radio changed everything. Makes fair dealing use of audio from Smithsonian TV (America in Color: The 1920s); the original Wheaties "jingle" 1927; 1929 news reel (ownership not clear); movie The Jazz Singer (Warner Brothers, 1929); archive audio of William Lyon MacKenzie King, 1927. For educational purposes. After 100 years of radio, what's different? And what is...rather alike? First episode of Season Four. For more on the 100th anniversary of licensed broadcast radio, please refer to Season 3, Episode 9 - from December 2019, about XWA Montreal becoming the world's first licensed radio broadcasting station in December 1919.

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Cross Talk: Season 3, Episode 11
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
"On a Christmas Carol on the Radio". From December 13, 2019. Final episode of season three. By the time the most enduring radio version of A Christmas Carol was on the air, the story was almost 100 years old. It's a story that still gets new versions made in various media, every year. One of the most enduring movie versions still played year after year dates back to 1951. But before that version captured hearts and minds, radio had been broadcasting a production that dates back to 1934; even though the popular recording of that version is from the performance in 1939. Makes fair dealing use of bits of audio from the 1951 United Artists picture; the 1939 Campbell Soup Playhouse radio production starring Lionel Barrymore, with Orson Welles as the narrator, and from Radio Drama Revival Project. Wellesnet.com and Wikipedia.org were good resources for quick reviews of dates for this episode. For educational purposes. The hardcover "The Books of Christmas" by Charles Dickens, pictured in the photo here was published in 1907. The Radio is a General Electric TA200A VY, 1960s but hard to date exactly. For previous Christmas-time Radio history please listen to Season 1, Episode 15 - "On the Canadian Christmas Eve broadcast that gave Radio to the World".

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Cross Talk: Season 3, Episode 10
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
"How Transistors made Radio truly portable - 65 years ago". From December 5, 2019. The hot-ticket item for Christmas-time shopping in 1954 was a new style of Radio. Portable, compact, even small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. The transistor radio sparks another revolution in radio listening, and in radio programming for the teenagers who flock to buy the new devices. Makes Fair Dealing use of bits from tv commercials and promotions for radio companies in the 1950s including RCA, Remco and Sylvania. Reference to SONY, Bell Labs, Texas Instruments, Smithsonian Institute. For educational purposes. The photo here shows a SONY labeled at the Museum of Science in London in 2016 as being one of the first compact transistor radios; model number not clear. It's a hand-held model about the surface size of an iPhone 4, but about three times as thick.

Friday Nov 29, 2019
Cross Talk: Season 3, Episode 9
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
"On the 100th Anniversary of Radio in Canada". From November 28, 2019. Licensed Radio broadcasting as we know it starts in Canada on December 1, 1919. That's before radio was being heard in Britain or the United States. There's little fanfare about it, but XWA Radio started in Montreal, Canada 100 years ago. Exhibits commemorating it are being staged at the Emile Berliner Museum in Montreal. For educational purposes. For still more on Canada's "invention" of what we know as radio broadcasting please listen to Season 1, Episode 15; and Season 2, Episode 1. Makes reference to XWA/CFCF; KQW; KDKA; and to broadcasting-history.ca

Friday Nov 22, 2019
Cross Talk: Season 3, Episode 8
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
On the Case of Don Cherry's Comments on Coach's Corner. From November 21, 2019. A hockey segment co-host has been fired because of his "you people" comments on air November 9th, which seemed to target immigrants. There's been a great deal of news coverage, opinion, and talk on air and online since that event. There has been less analysis from a broadcast perspective. What are the broadcast implications of the case? Are there codes of conduct that apply? What about the many complaints filed with the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council? For educational purposes. Makes fair dealing use of short audio bits from Global tv news; City; CBC. Refers to CBSC.ca

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Cross Talk: Season 3, Episode 7
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
"How to Listen to Radio - part three: FM". From November 15, 2019. There's nothing like the sound of FM stereo radio! In part one, I explore night-time tuning on AM radio; in part two, I cover streaming and apps. Now, let's dive into the high-fidelity sound of FM radio. These episodes are designed for anyone who loves radio, and for students who are studying radio or mass communication in general. I'm encouraging students...experiment with a radio tuner. For educational purposes: Makes fair dealing use of audio bits from JazzFM 91.1 Toronto; CHFI; Boom 97.3; CHUM 104.5; Q107; CIUT; CKHC 96-9 Radio Humber; CBC Radio 1; and samples from other stations as I turn the tuning knob on an analogue receiver so we can hear everything the tuner receives. (Part one is in S3, Ep4; Part two is in S3, Ep6).

Monday Nov 11, 2019
Cross Talk: Season 3, Episode 6
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
"How to Listen to Radio, Part two: Apps and Streaming". From November 8, 2019. A follow-up to Season 3, Episode 4 - which deals with listening to AM Radio over the air. This time: searching and listening for radio using apps or online searches; how to find a broadcast radio station almost anywhere in the world. Makes fair dealing use of audio bits from BBC London; LBC London; CJME Regina; RTHK Hong Kong; CITI FM Accra, Ghana; 1540AM ZNS-1 Bahamas; Nationwide FM Kingston, Jamaica.

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Cross Talk: Season 3, Episode 5
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
"On War of the Worlds - On World Audio Drama Day" From October 30, 2019. World Audio Drama day is recognized on the anniversary of the October 30, 1938 live broadcast over CBS Radio Network affiliates of the Mercury Theatre adaptation of The War of the Worlds, written by H.G. Wells 40 years earlier. Continuing my case from Season 1, Episodes 7 and 8 from October 2018, this episode maintains the extent of any "panic" from the show was overstated by the lead researcher, and reporting in an unfair and unbalanced way by a hostile print media. Those phenomena have led some teachers and professors over the decades to perpetuate myths against radio. Makes fair dealing use of bits from War of the Worlds (1938), The Fall of the City (1937), CBS Radio News (1938), BBC Radio News (1938). Includes look at newspaper reporting mentioning CFRB Toronto. Reference to The Invasion from Mars: A study in the psychology of panic by Hadley Cantrill (1940) and Broadcast Hysteria: Orson Welles's War of the World and the Art of Fake News by A. Brad Schwartz (2015). For more on the reaction, research, and the dozens of signs the show was obviously fiction, please check Season 1, Episodes 7 and 8.